Episode 53. How Undocumented People Can Get Credit Cards and Grow Credit Scores With Yelsse Bahena of @Profeyelbasse


Listen to our special guest Yelsse Bahena of @Profeyelbasse share her wisdom, and insights in the Immigrant Finance Podcast episode #53. Yelsse and Adina discuss how undocumented people can get credit cards and grow their credit scores.

Yelsse Bahena is a Spanish teacher in East Las Vegas and a shareholder of her family\’s local coffee shop in Los Angeles, Traveler\’s Coffee Cup. For the past six months, she has opened a short class on personal finance. Many of her students are Spanish-speaking and from immigrant backgrounds. She is privileged to teach high school students on how credit works and the importance of budgeting. She strives for transparency in everything she does and she hopes students use the new knowledge to help boost their own economy in the future.

You can follow and support Yelsse Bahena on the following
Social Media :
Instagram: @profeyelbasse

Private Spanish Tutoring: https://ybahenatutoring.wordpress.com/

PS check out her family’s coffee shop on Instagram: @travelerscoffeecup

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